to the Alabama Microenterprise Network’s Small Business Resource Directory (SBRD). This is a statewide resource connecting small businesses with service providers that can help them solve their basic business problems.
We understand the importance of having a strong foundation and a good support system whether at the early, existing or growth stage in business development. The SBRD connects businesses with organizations that provide technical assistance, training, coaching and financial assistance.
We also provide access to general business documents that can serve as a resource for business research and information.
We understand that many small and microbusiness don’t have the funds to pay for the kind of support they need, so the services provided in the SBRD are free or at a minimal cost.
We are excited to add the Small Business Resource Directory to the list of resources that can help businesses grow and thrive. Thank you for letting the Alabama Microenterprise Network become part of your business support team.
Get the SBRD Fact Sheet here. Read about the Benefits of being included in the SBRD here.
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